October 2 - 7


a: Warm Up
5 No-Hand Burpees
Hip Flow
5 explosive squat jumps with reset between each

b: Back Squat build to heavy 20 reps @. Heavier than last week. 80%+

c: Metcon
6 Rounds:
20sec AB/rower AMRAP cals straight into alternating 40 sec AMRAP Pistol Squats/burpees to plate and KB Swing 24/16
Rest 2 mins

Score is addition of AB/rower cals, Pistols/burpee and KBs.

Rx+ is 32/24

d: Stretch
2 min couch static + RAILs/RAILs per side


a: Warm Up
Bear Crawl forwards and backwards
TGU Press Complex
5 explosive med ball chest pass into wall

b: Strengthb1: 3 sets of complex: 3 strict press + 5 push press (add weight from last week)
b2: SA DB hand on box row 10,10,10+ (build in weight, go to muscular fatigue on last set)

c: Metcon
Partner WOD
Round for round
5 rounds each:
3 STOH 50/30
9 DL
12 Burpee Over the barbell

Should be unbroken
Rx+ is 70/45

Cap: 14 min

d: Stretch
2 mins to accumulate time in hang

e: Extras
e1: TGU Half Seated KB Press 3x12 p/s
e2: DB JM Press 3x15
e3: 3x30 seconds Black Burns
e4: 3x30 sec s-waves


a: Warm Up
Lizard crawl
3 shouder CARs p/s
3 sets of 5 explosive Russian KB Swing with partner push down

Sumo Deadlift 4,6,8,10

c: Metcon
EMOM 15min
1: 30 sec AMRAP DUs
2: 4 Sandbag Walking Lunges + 4 Sandbag/Wall Ball squats each shoulder
3: 3 SA DB Push Press into 20m OH carry. Each side

d: Stretch
2 min per side banded front split stretch
e: Extras
e1: Glute Ham Raise Accumulate 10-30 reps



a: Warm Up
Walking high knee and raise onto toe
Walking Single Leg quad stretch plus toe touch
Swing leg over gate into sumo squat
10 sec bunny hops
1 min ankle CARs p/s
Thoracic Flow

15min EMOM
1: 1-3 SMU or 3-8 false grip pullup/ring row
2: Deficit Pike HSPU/Def Box HSPU/Def SHSPU
3: 5-20 sec L-Sit Hold on parallettes.

c: Metcon
16 min: EMOM:
1: 2-8 Kipping Ring MU or 5-15 Kipping Ring Dip
2: 5-15 Kipping TTB
3: Run 200m/Row
4: Rest

d: 2 mins Seated shoulder ext

e1: 3x10-30sec nose to Wall HS Hold
e2: 3x submax sets Ring Dip Tempo 21X1
e3: 3x submax sets Strict Wide Pullup

f: Wrist 2 min static +PAILs/RAILs


a: Warm Up
2 mins Pizza box game
2 Rounds: 
10 Walking Lunge
5 Strict Burpee
5 Deck Squats
1 min Hip CARs each side
2x5 p/s of Quadroped Thoracic Rotation

30 min EMOM
1: Row 200/150m or Run 200m  (45sec cap)
2: 8 Burpee Box Overs 24/20
3: Bike 15/10 cals
4: AMRAP Alt DB Snatch 22.5/15
5: Rest

Scoring: Record All DB Snatch

Rx+ 32.5/20

2 min pigeon stretch per side

2 min banded tricep stretch each side
2 min calf static +PAILs/RAILs per side


a: Warm Up
40 Partner Wall Balls (20 each ie. 10 each side)
Thoracic Flow
1 min per side of Wrist CARs
10 Single leg broad jumps landing in squat position

In pairs:
Holley man:
30 rounds for time (15 rounds each):
5 Wall Balls
1 Power Clean 225/145

Cap: 30 min

2 min banded standing straddle
2 min lying pec stretch per side



Warm up

3 rounds

triceps openers

Obliqe openers


3x1 lenght (13m) rope pull

3x2 lenghts (26m) backwards sled drags

3x3 lengths (39m) Forward low harness carry